Easter Prayer Points With Scriptures Printable

Inside: Easter prayer points with scriptures to read, write and pray over this Easter season.

Looking for a way to deepen your Easter experience?

I’ve put together a printable collection of Scriptures perfect for the Easter season.

Take time to read, write, and pray over these verses, preparing your heart for this special time.

Easter brings back cherished childhood memories for me – dressing up in frilly dresses, wearing lace socks and shiny shoes, and admiring tulips in my mom’s garden.

I remember sneaking through the fence, captivated by the beauty and fragrance of those tulips.

Easter was always a significant time for my family. We were taught about Jesus’ resurrection each year, a story of sacrifice and love that’s the heart of our faith.

This tradition of celebrating and understanding Christ’s sacrifice, which we truly don’t deserve, is something that has stayed with me throughout my life.

Easter Prayer Points With Scriptures

Grab the printable list of Resurrection Scriptures towards the post of this article.

See my list of Easter prayer points with scriptures below.

  1. Thanksgiving for the Resurrection
    • Prayer Point: Father, we thank you for the resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ, demonstrating your victory over sin and death.
    • Scripture: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” – Matthew 28:6
  2. Confession and Repentance
    • Prayer Point: Lord, forgive us for the times we’ve fallen short, help us to turn away from sin and live lives that glorify You.
    • Scripture: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” – 1 John 1:9
  3. Seeking New Life in Christ
    • Prayer Point: Lord, let your resurrection power bring new life into every area of our lives, renewing our hearts and minds.
    • Scripture: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17
  4. The Hope of Eternal Life
    • Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, we rejoice in the hope of eternal life that the resurrection of Christ has secured for us.
    • Scripture: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
  5. Strength to Walk in Love
    • Prayer Point: Lord, give us the strength to love one another as Christ loved us, that we might bear witness to Your love in the world.
    • Scripture: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” – John 13:34
  6. The Power of the Resurrection
    • Prayer Point: Father, grant that we may know the power of Christ’s resurrection in our daily lives, helping us to overcome every challenge we face.
    • Scripture: “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.” – Philippians 3:10
  7. Faith and Trust in God
    • Prayer Point: Lord, increase our faith and trust in You. Help us to trust in Your plans for us and in the power of Your resurrection.
    • Scripture: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” – Proverbs 3:5

Remember, prayer isn’t just about the words we say, but the posture of our hearts.

Approach each prayer point with faith and an open heart to God’s guidance and wisdom.

Grab the printable below!

What Is A Powerful Easter Prayer

Here is a heartfelt prayer for Easter:

Dear Heavenly Father,

On this glorious day, we rejoice in the miracle of the resurrection, celebrating the greatest gift of love that You bestowed upon us by allowing Your only Son to bear the weight of our sins on the cross.

We thank You, Lord, for the triumph of Jesus over death, for His grave is empty and He is risen indeed! This sacred miracle fills our hearts with hope and faith, offering a promise of renewal, salvation, and eternal life.

As we bask in the joy of this Easter morning, help us to carry its profound meaning beyond today. Let the reality of the resurrection permeate our hearts and minds, transforming us from the inside out. Help us to see each day as an opportunity to live in the light of Your love and grace, expressing that love to those around us.

We pray that we might live as resurrected people, allowing Your light to shine through us in all that we say and do. Lord, we want to be beacons of Your love and grace in a world that so often struggles with pain and darkness.

On this day of renewal, we also pray for those who are suffering, who feel lost or alone. May they feel Your comforting presence, and may we be instruments of Your peace to them.

Finally, Lord, we thank You for the assurance of eternal life through Jesus Christ. As we celebrate His victory over death, may we live with the wonderful, confident expectation of everlasting life with You.

In the name of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Grab the printable below.

How Do I Prepare My Heart For Christ?

Getting your heart ready for Easter and connecting with Christ is such a special journey. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Chat with God: Just like you’d start a day with a good coffee and a chat, start this journey with a prayer. Ask God to help you see and feel everything more deeply as Easter approaches.
  2. Dive into the Bible: Reading the stories about Jesus, especially in the Gospels, is like getting to know a friend better. It helps you feel closer to Him and understand His love and sacrifice.
  3. Saying Sorry: We all mess up, right? Just like clearing the air with a friend, confess your mistakes to God and embrace His forgiveness. It’s refreshing!
  4. Give Up Something for a Bit: Like skipping coffee for a day (hard, I know!), giving up something you enjoy for a while can help you focus on spiritual stuff and rely more on God.
  5. Helping Others: Jesus was all about helping and loving others. Doing little things for people around you can make a big difference and bring you closer to living like Jesus.
  6. Quiet Time: Just like we love our quiet coffee moments, spend some time alone in thought, thinking about the amazing love and grace that Easter is all about.
  7. Hang Out with Fellow Believers: Being with others who share your faith can be super encouraging. It’s like having a support group where you can share and grow together.
  8. Journaling: Write down your thoughts and prayers. It’s like sending a long, newsy letter to God, and it’s a great way to process your feelings.
  9. Join in Worship: Going to church services or Easter events is like a get-together where everyone celebrates and sings about how great God is. It’s uplifting and brings you closer to Him.

Remember, this journey is your own, and it’s okay to take it at your own pace.

Just like a good chat with a friend, it’s about being real and open. Have a wonderful time preparing for Easter!

See my list of Easter prayer points with scriptures above.

What Should I Do Before Easter?

Easter can be a time to refresh our hearts of that revelation.

Here are some great tips, from ShareFaith, on how to prepare your heart for Christ.

  1. The week leading up to Easter, Holy Week, read the resurrection account in each of the gospels, as well as the “resurrection chapter,” 1 Corinthians 15 (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20). See my list of Easter prayer points with scriptures above.
  2. Take time to consider at least three ways in which Jesus’ resurrection profoundly affects your life. Write them down. If you need some priming, read through 1 Corinthians 15, Romans 6:5, Philippians 3:10, or 1 Peter 1:3.
  3. Memorize at least one verse from the list above, or choose another one that deals with Jesus’ resurrection. Meditate upon this verse as you go throughout this Easter Prayer Challenge.
  4. Study the chronology of Jesus’ passion week, and read relevant biblical passages each day of the week. Reflect upon the price that he paid for your sin, the pain, the grief, and the anguish that he experienced.
  5. Tell someone else about the resurrection and the impact that this doctrine has had on your life.

Easter Prayer Printable

Grab this free printable Easter Prayer for you and your family.

May our Heavenly Father shine His resurrection power and victory over you as you work through the Easter prayer points plus Scriptures below.

Easter Sunday Prayer

Easter Prayer printable

Original Price $4.00

Easter Prayer – Now only 0.00

Preparing Our Hearts for Easter Scripture Reading

I’d love to have you join me and other Christian women by choosing to be intentional about reading, writing, and praying through these bible passages over the next 40 days.

An Easter Prayer challenge!

James 5:16 teaches us that we don’t need to be PERFECT in our prayers to be powerful. We just need to be fervent.

This Easter Prayer challenge is for you if …

  • You are looking for a bible reading plan and prayer challenge for the Easter season.
  • Needing a guided resource to help you stay on track and focused in your quiet time with God.
  • Needing accountability in your quiet time with God.
  • Wanting to grow in your knowledge and faith in the Lord.

Why include scripture writing? Some of the benefits of writing out scripture and praying during your quiet time with God include…

  • learn to fear the Lord
  • grow in your faith
  • be more careful to obey the Lord
  • grow in your knowledge of God’s truth
  • be safeguarded from wandering away from the Lord

When we form the habit of hand writing out scripture it forces us to slow down, absorb the scripture, and grasp what God is saying.

I created this 40 Day Easter Scripture Writing Plan as a tool to help focus and guide you towards the Cross during this Easter Prayer Challenge.

It is a free printable of Bible Verses for Easter.

Lent Bible reading plan

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Preparing Our Hearts For The Cross Journal (printable)

Add to your Easter Prayer experience by using this beautifully designed 47 – page “Prepare Your Heart For Easter Challenge” Journal.

Invite a friend to join you!

This printable journal has everything you need to help you stay focused during your prayer time during the next 40 days as you prepare your heart for Easter.

This Easter Prayer journal includes…

  • Bible Verses on the Easter Story
  • 40 Day Journaling Pages for your scripture writing and prayers
  • A page to write what your fasting and giving away during the next 40 days
  • Extra journaling/doodling pages
  • List of Bible Verses to read and pray over during the next 40 days.
  • We will be posting pictures of our journaling pages and hold each other accountable in my Coffee Talk For Christian Women FB group. (You do not have to be on social media to do this challenge.)

Will you invite your friends to join you in this Easter Prayer challenge?

See a sneak peek of the journal – click HERE.

scriptures for Easter, lent bible reading plan

Original Price $20.00

On sale now $9.99

Easter Scriptures To Read

Here are some key scriptures that are often read during Easter to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

  1. Matthew 28:1-10
    • The angel at the tomb tells the women that Jesus has risen.
  2. Mark 16:1-7
    • Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome find the empty tomb.
  3. Luke 24:1-12
    • Women find the tomb empty and angels announce that Jesus has risen.
  4. John 20:1-18
    • Mary Magdalene finds the empty tomb, sees Jesus, and tells the disciples.
  5. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
    • Paul explains the importance of the resurrection of Christ.
  6. Acts 10:34-43
    • Peter’s speech about Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection.
  7. Luke 24:13-35
    • Jesus appears to two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
  8. John 20:19-31
    • Jesus appears to his disciples and to Thomas.
  9. 1 Peter 1:3-9
    • Peter writes about the living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  10. Revelation 1:4-8 John’s vision of the risen Christ, who is the Alpha and Omega.

These passages offer a comprehensive look at the resurrection story and its significance in Christian faith.

Reading these can provide an opportunity for reflection and celebration during the Easter season.

What do you do (by yourself or with your family) to prepare to celebrate Easter? And how do you keep your celebrations focused on Jesus?

Do you have your own Easter prayer?

Join my online women’s Bible study and cultivate meaningful Christian friendships while growing in your faith. Our study resources are designed to guide you in your spiritual renewal and help you deepen your relationship with God. Participate from the comfort of your own home at a time that works for you. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with other women and experience spiritual growth!


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