SOAP Bible Study Method Example: Printable
The SOAP Bible Study Method is my go to Bible study method. Let me share with you examples of how I use this bible study method. Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom and grab the printable! My gift to you.
Bible study is vital for christians. We can’t know Christ or grow in our faith without reading the Bible and studying it for ourselves.
The SOAP Bible study method is one of my favorite ways to study the bible. See all of my journals and studies HERE.
Psalms 1:1-2 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.”
See the SOAP Bible Study Method example below.
Why Use The SOAP Bible Study Method?
Many Christians often wonder, “How does one hear God?” or if God really is speaking to us, “How do we know if it is Him?” There are many ways that God speaks to us, but only a few number of people are able to recognize His voice.
Christianity is an authentic relationship with God and just as similar to all relationships, it requires communication.
A kind of communication where we can get to know God, and God can get to know us. This is done through personal time with God, or as what most Christians call, their “quiet time” or “personal bible study.”
Through bible reading and study, we experience God, we acquire knowledge and a better understanding about God’s attributes either through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, or through Himself during the old covenant.
Reading the bible teaches us how to be more like God, live to honor God, and biblical wisdom. His word will be the one to teach us what to do while we are in this temporary world, thriving for Heaven as our ultimate home.
I want to also remind you, God is understanding enough to walk with us while we are still living in the physical world, for He has good plans for us.
By practicing reading and studying the bible everyday, we not only get to know God, we also get an understanding of what we are meant to do.
Through the concept of grace, God heals us, restores us and renews us. We learn all about this through the SOAP Bible Study Method.
God gave us a gift, which is the Bible, so that we may be equipped in every good work.
2 Timothy 3:17 “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
We see here in this verse that all scripture is God-breathed, which means that everything that is written in the Bible is the Word from God. The Bible is the best and most accurate book where we can seek God’s plan for our lives and His guidance.
God has given us the Bible to help us with our everyday struggles, with our daily decisions in order for us to please Him and be more like Jesus.
The SOAP Bible Study Method is one of the ways God uses to grow our faith, deepen our relationship with Him and reply to our prayers and we should make it a practice to study God’s word everyday.
How Do I Study The Bible
There are different ways to read and study the bible. Find one that works for you! In this particular article, we will focus on a specific way that includes four pillars.
An effective way to study the bible is through using the SOAP Bible Study Method. The SOAP Bible Study Method is helpful for us to grow in our relationship with God. It also helps people to slow down, focus on what is read and consider it within context.
Always start your quiet time with a prayer. Then grab the most helpful and relevant book in the universe, the Bible, and start the SOAP Bible Study Method. Grab the printable below!
Take down notes regarding your observation on the chosen scripture. I love using the BlueLetterBible to help me dive deeper into the meaning of the verse.
Then think about how you can apply this in your life. This can be applied through small acts or bigger acts. And finally, ending it with an intimate prayer.
Prayer is vital to the Christian life! We communicate to God through prayer, whether it’s a short prayer before having a meal, when giving thanks, pouring our hearts out with grievance or even during a Sunday service.
Related Posts – Scripture Writing And How To Get Started
What Is The SOAP Method Of Bible Study?
SOAP is an acronym to help you remember…
S – SCRIPTURE | S stand for scripture. Read and write out the passage of scripture you are studying today. Since the Bible is God’s Word, studying it is a way to know God better. The Bible is filled with information that can help guide us with our walk with God, but it is also misinterpreted if not studied and taken within context properly. It is important to read carefully what the scripture is trying to teach us. Many times, we often see a scripture and think of it by its direct meaning, not fully understanding the real message that it portrays. You can read different versions to make sure you have understood the scriptures. What is your favorite Bible translation? |
O – OBSERVATION | O stands for Observation. Once we are finished reading over the scripture, it is important to understand the meaning of the scripture. Reflect and observe the scripture that you have read. I encourage you can ask yourself: Who is speaking? Who is the author? Who is he/she speaking too? What is the original purpose of the message? What words stood out to me? Look up the meanings of words you may not fully understand. Look up the strong’s definetion of keywords. What did I learn? |
A – APPLICATION | A stand for application. Apply what you have learned. This is making a connection from the Bible verse to your life. Write down how you can apply the scripture you’ve read to your current life. This is very important because merely reading the bible is not enough, as it was explained in James’ parable, seeing ourselves in the mirror of the word. An excerpt of this scripture in James 1 says in verse 23-25, “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.” |
P – PRAYER | P stands for prayer. After reading and reflecting, you can now start to thank God and tell Him what you feel and think about what you have read. At the same time, have humility to ask God for wisdom and understanding in studying the Bible and applying it to you life. If you think you are not fully there yet, ask Him to open your mind and heart so you can wholly accept what He is offering. Remember, there is no specific way of praying, you do not have to memorize these instructions, for a prayer should come from the heart. |
Who Invented The Soap Bible Study Method?
S.O.A.P. is a daily Bible journaling method, created by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, for applying God’s Word to your life in a practical way. –
Example of SOAP Bible Study
John 8:36 “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” |
Author – John writing about what Jesus has said Audience – Jews that believed in Jesus Context – John 8:36 is one of the most inspirational phrases in all of Scripture. While sin enslaves us (John 8:31–32), true freedom is found only in Christ (John 8:31–32). Sin deceives by promising freedom, when all it does is control and corrupt us. Those who don’t have faith in Christ are bound by sin (Romans 6:18), and subject not only to slavery, but to spiritual death (John 3:36). Those who find Christ, the one and only source of spiritual truth (John 8:12), will be “truly” free. – BibleRef Keyword Free – G1658 – no longer a slave, liberty, freedom |
What a great reminder that I should be even more grateful and walk in this freedom that Christ gives to all who believe in Him! I will seek forgiveness where I fail and ask God to help me walk in His freedom. |
Dear God, thank you for your freedom. Your salvation. The gift of Your Son. I pray that you help me be intentional about walking in this freedom everyday. Please help me meditate on your word so I can grow in You. I want to read your words and grow in my faith everyday. I love you God. I pray to you, my Father, to bless every area in my life, change me where I need to change and for me to always be impacted by you. I want my life to honor You, for you are the God that I worship, the King of all kings, the Father of all fathers. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, AMEN. |
See a video example of the SOAP Bible Study method HERE.
Join my FB group, Coffee Talk For Christian women! I share regularly how I study the bible through verse mapping and the SOAP Bible Study Method.
SOAP Bible Study Method PDF
Use my SOAP Bible Study Method printable to help you study God’s word today!
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SOAP Bible Study Method Journal
Use this 9 page printable SOAP Bible Study Journal to help you stay focused during your time with God.
Original Price $10.00
On Sale Now $3.99
More Examples of the SOAP Bible Study Method
Scripture Writing & Bible Study Journal. Click on the image.
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